September 25, 2012

Clark & Belmont.

Met up with Brice after doing the work thing in Chicago on Saturday and we motor'd on over to the Lakeview neighborhood to check out the MvR pop-up store. Worth the trip if you're in the area. It's only there for a few more days.

September 24, 2012


Snagged this gem from

September 21, 2012

Chitown this wknd.

It's not Brooklyn, but it's better than nothing. 

I'll be across town working the Fox River HD "Summer Jam" while the ChiVinMoto event is going on, but I'll definitely check out the MvR pop-up store after I'm done there. 

September 20, 2012

No BKNY for me :(

I came back to the office after my week in Maryland and was told I need to be at an event in Chicago this wknd, so no invitational for this guy. Sucks. I was really looking forward to hanging out with everyone. 

To all y'all that will be there have lots of fun and be safe!

September 19, 2012

September 11, 2012

Detroit ---> Delmarva.

I'll be working in Salisbury, MD all week if any y'all find yourself there for the bagger fest.

The rest of you can click the instagram link to the right to stay in the loop.

September 7, 2012

New Shoes.

I came across this nice sets of rims on the eBay off an old Daytona 1200 and tossed a low ball offer at the dude and he accepted. Now I've got normal sized 180/55-17 and 120/70-17 as opposed to the oddball 160/60-18 that was on the back. The solid fat spokes look a helluva lot better that the '85 Suzuki GS'esque ones that were on it while still keeping that period correctness. 

September 5, 2012

Great, more noisy clutches...

For those of you not from these parts, Birmingham is one of the ritzy 'burbs of Detroit.  I'm all for this shop, but I think he's a bit dreamy thinking he's going to sell 100-150 units per year. While it's a perfect location if he plans to do that, I don't think it'll happen. 75-100 would be a lot more realistic. He still needs approval from Ducati NA, so that's gotta be handled before he sells anything. I can however see every ass clown in Oakland county now considering a Ducati along side the other options just because it says Ducati on it. Meh.

September 4, 2012


I could've stayed in town and gone to countless get togethers with friends, but I decided to slab some miles instead. I set out Saturday morning with no real plan and ended up in Indian River for the night. I stayed in a rad old rustic camp with no electric or water that night and it was great. Sunday I set out for Mackinac City for some dippin' dots that I was jonesin' since I saw the sign hundreds of miles down the road the day before. From there I took the east coast as long as I could handle before hitting the inland roads in search of some twisties. I ended up in Greenbush, MI that night and made a bed in the back of a friends van. I took off yesterday morning with a belly full of eggs and bacon and made my way back to Detroit via back roads. 

I did about 700 miles, had a blast, and fell in love with my new bike. 

Yes, please.

Triumph unveiled this XC version of their Tiger Explorer 1200 at the Triumph LIVE! party at Mallory Park over the weekend. While I still think an 800XC would fit my needs a bit better,  I wouldn't be mad if one of these showed up in my garage.